This week, Malikia Johnson considers the potential for finding interpersonal liberation and solidarity in single motherhood and sex work.

Then, community organizers and cooperative practitioners share a stage to discuss their work building community-centered enterprises from collective housing and cultural co-ops to land trusts and community banks.

Sex Work, Single Motherhood, and Solidarity

by Malikia Johnson
Both sex work and single parenthood neutralize, in many cases, the typical life and support structured by a heteronormative relationship. This creates an opportunity for organizing our lives in ways that lean on solidarity principles like reciprocity, cooperation, and mutual care. Sex work and single parenthood both become worthy areas to study paths forward to a solidarity economy.

Staying Rooted: Community Focused Economic Models, Cooperative Housing, & the New Economy Coalition

by KPFA Radio
Today we’re visiting community-rooted enterprises where people are rethinking power and participation in their lives. Collective housing and cultural co-ops, land trusts and community banks are providing fundamental shifts in our workplaces, living spaces, and economic understanding of local communities. 

Shared Power Week: A Sociocracy Learning Festival Sept. 12-20

Sociocracy For All — The Shared Power Week is not a conference, not one event… but a week of events all around the world to foster a shared vision of transformation, collaboration and synergy. Join as an event organiser or a participant and meet other change-makers!...

Viet Nam issues decree on registration of pre-cooperatives, cooperatives, and cooperative unions

International Labour Organization — This comprehensive Decree aims to streamline the registration process and enhance the management and oversight of cooperatives throughout Viet Nam. It provides detailed guidelines for implementing the  Cooperative Law of 2023, continuing efforts to reform administrative procedures related to cooperative registration. The focus is on reducing costs and time associated with these procedures, leveraging information technology, and facilitating data sharing among State management agencies...

We Should Adopt a Culture-in-All-Policies Approach to Democracy

Next City — Culture, unlike democracy, is self-propelled and self-propagating: it is persistent, in ways that democracy strives to be; it is effusive in ways that democracy should be; it is practical, as democracy must always be; and it is critical, in ways democracy is too often not. In these ways, culture’s strength and importance to civic life is that it runs through everything; it is the warp to democracy’s weft. The growing recognition of Indigenous wisdom about place and its management are important to acknowledge in any discussion of place-based work...

Cooperative Hall of Fame inductee spotlight – Dr. Christina Clamp

NCBA CLUSA — Dr. Christina Clamp is a leading co-op scholar whose pioneering work is grounded in the values of civil rights, social justice and an inclusive economy. She is best known for her research on Mondragon, the world’s largest worker cooperative. The results of her deep interviews with Mondragon managers and founders continue to inform human resource strategies for worker co-ops worldwide. Her extensive list of publications includes, most recently, a collection of 30 essays highlighting the story of Mondragon and its ongoing influence in the U.S...

New on our YouTube Channel

Back to Basics: Aligning Our National Organizations with Co-op Principles [Audio version]

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